Archive for Donations

How to help

I have set up a memorial fund with Cook Children’s Hospital on behalf of Lennox and Zoë. All donations made in their names will go towards neonatal research. If you wish to make a donation, you may either:

mail it to:
Cook Children’s Hospital
Attn. Development Office
801 7th Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76104

go to

Please be sure to indicate that you are donating in memory of Lennox and Zoë Simpson of Fort Worth, Texas 76120. My name is Allison Simpson (I believe the online form will want that information). Cook will send us a notification of your donation and a recognition to you.

I have contacted the Red Cross to see about establishing some sort of memorial blood donation “fund” as well. In the meantime, those in North Texas can still make donations through Charter as listed in the sidebar. *Update* The Red Cross does not have a method for the sort of memorial donations we have in mind.  We could sponsor a drive in their memory, but that would still be something local.  If donating blood is something you are interested in doing, either email me (allisonwonderland at gmail dot com) or post here when you do and I’ll create a list to acknowledge the donation.  

I’ve added links to the March of Dimes to the sidebar as well. Donations can be made in memory of Lennox or Zoë.

Shannon and I thank all of you in advance. Nothing will ever take away this pain, but to know that some good is being done in Lennox and Zoë’s names is a huge comfort to us.

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